Monday, May 12, 2008

My Take on High School, College, my Future, and Life.

(Inspired by: BOREDOM)

OK so I was on-line looking at various colleges, then, as if I were in a boxing ring it hit me; most of the colleges require admissions essays. Most of the time they expect you to get personal, really personal. They want you to pour out your guts to them, but, what if you don't get accepted? Does it mean they don't like you? Does it mean your inner thoughts are weird? Does it mean you're weird or unwanted? WHAT DOES IT MEAN !?!
I don't think it is fair that they judge us based on a five paragraph essay. I think that they should omit the essay portion of the application all together, and just go by your grades, your test scores, your extra curricular, and your talents.
I'm really bored so I guess that is why I am making such a big deal out of this. I am also really nervous about this upcoming year and a half. It is SO scary to think that pretty soon my life is about to change drastically (hopefully).
But that change is a good thing. No more high school. No more immature, mean, evil, fake high school people. (Ha-Ha) No more annoying teachers. No more lockers that you can't get to because there are so many damn people in your way. No more bottom lockers. No more overly crowded hallways. No more anything negative that is associated with high school.
Another scary (but good) part is that we are going to meet new people. Hopefully, they will be nicer, more laid back, and less judgmental. Hopefully, there will be no "cliques" in college. No fights, no drama, no mean people. I hope that college will be "the experience of a lifetime". I hope that it will be nothing like high school.
I remember going into high school, thinking that it was going to be "the experience of a lifetime". It was because of shows like Boy Meets World and Lizzie McGuire that I believed it. I went in expecting to make life long friends and I would meet cute boys. I also thought that there would be that one really mean girl (Claire) and my group of friend and I would be the ones to always stand up to her and dump slime on her (don't ask). Needless to say, I was very wrong. High school is full of Claires, there is nobody to stand up to them, and if someone does decide to stand up to them, it usually ends up in a fist-fight, and no laugh track in the background when the he or she gets slime dumped on them.
I really hope that I am not wrong about college. I really do hope that it will be the "experience of a lifetime". It has to be. Even if it isn't, I'll make it the "experience of a lifetime", you know why, because life is what you make of it. We can't go into situations expecting them to be the "experiences of a lifetime" because it won't always be. We can't go into college saying it will be "the experience of a lifetime" then not do anything and get as disappointed as we were in high school. Because after that, we will go in to real life and expect that to be "the experience of a lifetime" (I have got to stop using that phrase). We can no longer sit at home and wait for that "experience of a lifetime." (Last time I used it, I swear.) We have to get up, get out, and find it!
So what am I saying here? Why am I writing an essay? I don't really know. I guess this is just what boredom will do to you.

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